
Is Splunk Alerting

I recently came cross an issue where Splunk stopped alerting, honestly, no idea why.. Still investigating. But in the interim I wanted to get some additional context for the investigation. I will ...

Using Dotfiles

On *nix system, dotfiles are normally associated with hidden files, in this case, dotfiles are important files that hold your different configurations. Many advanced system users use these files to...

General Splunk Things

This page will host general Splunk things that I find useful to reference and keep an eye on things in Splunk. Splunk is a data mining tool that is geared for speedy indexing of high amounts of da...

Git Best Practice

These are just a collection of things I find interesting for myself and may not be for everyone. Keep your commits small and clean When working with changes to fix bugs, it’s easy to get sidetr...


Introduction The .gitignore file is a simple text file that tells Git which files and folders in a repo it should ignore. These files can be stored at the repo level or at the global level. To get...

Using Git on macOS

Git on macOS Before proceeding, ensure that you have your SSH properly setup and configured. Using SSH Keys tutorial coming soon. Xcode Install Xcode by running this command in your terminal xc...


Reset NVRAM or PRAM NVRAM or NonVolatile Random-Access Memory is a small amount of memory that your Mac uses to store certain settings and access them quickly. PRAM (Parameter RAM) stores sim...


Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. People who set up and maintain software environments use cron to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodi...


Logrotate is a tool admins use to manage system logs on their Linux servers. Config files are kept in /etc/logrotate.d/, to add a new file you would want to do the following, changing config_file ...

macOS Setup

Everyone does this differently to suite their needs but this is what I do on my machine as a base. You may not need all the options below. Properly setting Hostname sudo scutil --set HostName com...