This is mainly my hub of resources I’ve gathered over time in .txt files that I am slowly putting into a safe place outside of my computer and making them available to others. This site will host things including tutorials, my learnings, thoughts and ideas as well as recipes and other random things I find worthy of sharing.
The content I have gathered here is for my needs and things that I have found online while researching a task I had or a practice I wanted to know more about that I pulled here so I can have them readily available. The information herein is not exhaustive nor may be a good fit for everyone so please forgive me if you have a different opinion or have abetter way to do something I have listed in the pages.
If you have a better way to do something or want to provide some additional info, feel free to create an issue in the repo or fork and submit a pull request.
One of my favorite quotes.
Now listen up! Back in my day, we didn't have fancy tanks! We had sticks. Two sticks and a rock for the entire platoon! And we had to share the rock! You should consider yourself very lucky marines!